The following school leaving qualifications can be obtained by the students:
1. 1. Successful secondary school leaving certificate (Erfolgreicher Hauptschulabschluss)
After an internal performance assessment, this qualification can be issued by the school (and confirmed by the education authority).
2. 2. Qualifying secondary school diploma (Qualifizierender Abschluss an der Mittelschule)
To obtain this qualification, the young people take external exams at the Hausham Middle School. They receive a middle school diploma.
3. 3. Intermediate school diploma (Mittlerer Bildungsabschluss)
After the 10th grade, the pupils can take the exams for the intermediate school leaving certificate at the secondary school in Fischbachau. Upon passing, they acquire the right to access technical colleges (Fachoberschulen).
An important part of every graduation at our school is a “Great Work” which consists of practical work, written documentation, and a presentation.