Content focus
1. The child as a builder of themself
Maria Montessori came to the realization that every child has an “inner blueprint” according to which it develops. Sensitive phases for different areas can be observed. At our school, the children learn in a prepared environment with selected materials. The main part of the lesson time is free work, during which the children choose their topics, materials, learning locations and learning partners and, if possible, the time frame themselves.
2. The age mix
According to Maria Montessori, the development of good learning and working behavior is best achieved in mixed age groups that most closely correspond to the natural form of human community. The children live and learn at our school in mixed-age classes. This makes heterogeneity a basic principle, as is social learning.
3. Performance measurement
At our school there are no objective performance measurements in the form of formal tests that are equally applicable to all children. With their different abilities, the pupils follow their own, appropriate learning paths. In addition to the “what” of learning, it is also about the “how”, in the meaning for the development of one’s own “I” strength. Teachers, parents and pupils exchange information about the child’s level of development in regular discussions and, if necessary, set common goals. The pupils and their parents receive feedback in writing once or twice a year via the so-called “IzELs” (“information on the development and learning process”).